Saturday, February 20, 2010

First hangover in 9 months.

I am one hungover mofo today, folks. I went out with my SIL to a local dance hall called Cherokee last night while Cade stayed home with Nolan and slept. I only had a few vodka and cranberries, but some random guy kept buying our table entire trays of shots. So between the assload of shots, the vodka & cranberries, and the few beers I had at Josh's house, I'm a wreck. I'm sooo exhausted, too. I don't get to go to sleep for a while because I have to meet Cade over at our friend Joey's house for his birthday in a little while. I'm taking Nolan to MIL's for the night so he can go to church in the morning, too. Ugh busy busy me.

Well I survived yesterday thank God. I think I'm more confident in caring for my son, now. Although he didn't blow out his diaper, so I got to skip out on the poopy diaper. I swear that's one thing that I just can't swing...diaper changing. I can do everything else and have no issues, but diapers make me cringe. Why can't babies be born potty trained?

For your viewing pleasure, Nolan grinning yesterday.

